Sunday, October 3, 2010

6 Months Old

Friday my baby boy turned 6 months old...I am in total shock that 6 months has already gone by, and I just can't get over how much Aiden is changing everyday! I know every parent says stuff like this, but it's really true!

Ready for Fall!!

This past month has been a big one, baby boy has started on solids as I posted not long ago, and he hasn't met a food yet that he didn't like-well, we did try bananas tonight and he wasn't such a fan. But in his defense he was very tired, had already eaten sweet potatoes, and the bananas were the consistency of slime...I probably wouldn't have liked them either, and bananas and I are likethis.

We also started offering a sippy cup with a little water, and he loves that too, although he still hasn't figured out that it would be so much easier to hold the cup with two hands as opposed to one.

The cup looks bigger than his head!
Aiden is proficient in all types of rolling: forward, backward, the side roll, any type that can get him somewhere. This boy is ready to move. He still hasn't mastered sitting up yet, but he's getting there. We have been hanging out at the park a lot this past week, which we both love. We lay there out under a blanket and read, and he tells me stories (I'm not sure what they're about yet, but they sound really exciting!!) 

Aiden continues to love bath time, and spends most of the time trying to fit his feet as far in his mouth as possible. Before Aiden started this trick I was unaware that one could choke themselves with their own toes...hmm, guess you learn something new everyday!

Aiden continues to be such a fun, expressive, sweet boy. He is very independent, and he'll let you know when he's upset, but he has such a good nature. I love all the smiles that he shares with us! 

Playing guitar with dad
I finally got a jogging stroller, so Aiden gets to go on most of my runs during the week, which judging from the picture below I think he definitely likes-

Friday we had our first "playdate" with my friend Erin and her daughter Brenna-okay maybe it was more a mommy hang out time, but the kids were diggin it. We hung out at Destin Commons and had lunch-I totally meant to take more pictures, I did manage to get a couple.

Erin and her daughter Brenna-how cute is she??!!
Hangin out at Zoe's Kitchen-
 Little Aiden, you are halfway through your first year of life. The days are going so fast, and I am trying to hold onto as much as possible, to drink in the marrow of life with you. You are so joyful and happy, and you are a constant reminder to me to stop and enjoy every moment.

I'm savoring them all, and life is so good.

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