Friday, June 4, 2010

Weight Loss Accountability Update

Hello blog world! It has been awhile since I updated my weight loss info., and for a pretty good reason. Those pounds that were flying off the first two months have definitely come to a standstill. The past two weeks have been pretty disappointing. I have been trying to exercise, but have not fit in as much as I would like, and my weight loss definitely reflects it. We were in Fairhope for my sister's graduation a couple weeks ago, and my eating got really off track that weekend and the following week. I have been trying to do better, but it's hard because I want to be sure I'm not eating too little so that Aiden gets enough from my milk....I wish I were rich and could hire a nutritionist!
Anyway, here are my stats as of today:

Pre-pregnancy weight: 133 lbs.
Final pregnancy weight: 171 lbs.
Total weight gain: 38 lbs.!!(ugh, scary...)
Current weight: 143.8 lbs.
Current weight lost: 27.2 lbs.
Goal weight: 125 lbs.
Weight left to lose: 18.8 lbs.
I still have a long way to go, but I guess every pound counts for something! I finally broke down and ordered a Baby Bjorn; hopefully that will help Aiden and I to get out and exercise more!

1 comment:

  1. When I was a nanny last year I wore the baby bjorn all the time!! It is so easy to put the baby in there and walk and do things!

    Looking forward to seeing you guys in August!:-)
