Thursday, May 6, 2010

Things I Have Learned in the Past Month

I have been babysitting since I was 12 or so. I always kinda thought of myself as "good with kids" or a bit of a childcare pro, however being a mom is TOTALLY different than watching other peoples kids. The experience is so transforming, so life-altering, it is hard to put into words. 

Here are a few of the things I have learned in my first month as a mom:

1. When people tell you to sleep when your child sleeps, they are not joking.  Sleep deprivation is seriously debilitating, and you need every minute of sleep that you can get. Otherwise you may end up walking into doorways and bruising your ear...totally a hypothetical, of course.

2. The meaning of the phrase "Clean Enough"
This is a phrase that I now understand and embrace, as it relates to my house, and myself as well. I used to be a little OCD in the cleaning department, but those days are gone (for now). If I get the dishes done and a load of clothes done in a day, I am doing good. If I get a shower, the floors vaccumed and mopped, and the bed made, all on top of the dishes, cooking dinner, and a load of clothes washed, I feel like Supermom!

3. Garner Fructis Eye Roller and Almay Smart Shade Concealer
These two products are awesome! The eye roller makes me feel like my dark circles aren't as noticable, and it is really cooling and refreshing. The smart shade concealer blends easily and quickly, and makes me look like I actually got a full night's sleep, when in reality it was closer to 4 hours.

4. Breakfast for dinner
Never underestimate the power of the incredible, edible egg. When mixed with a little chopped ham, some green onion, and cheese, scrambled eggs make a quick meal and can be put on toast, in a wrap for a breakfast burrito, or just eaten on their own. And all of this can be completed in less than 15 minutes...awesome!

5. Ask For Help
 If someone offers to watch the baby so you can run to the store, do it. If your husband offers to watch the baby so you can nap, take him up on it. You do not have to try and do everything on your own-you do not get a "mom bonus" for doing it all on your own. Work smarter, not harder, and take people up on their offers to help you out!

6. Being a mom is the Coolest Job Ever
I have worked a lot of jobs in my 27 years...a lot. This job is by far the most rewarding, most fun job I have ever held. There is nothing better than holding your child and seeing them stare at you and then break into a big smile...I love every minute with Aiden, even the minutes that come around 2 a.m. It is so worth every bit of sleep deprivation and every stretch mark.

7. Stretchy pants are a gift from God

I am at that fun stage where none of my clothes really fit-I have lost over half of the weight I gained during my pregnancy, so my maternity clothes are pretty loose and baggy, but with 15 pounds left to lose I am not able to wear my old clothes...yet. I will get there, but in the meantime stretchy pants are a lifesaver!

So as far as the weight loss goes, I am going to the OB for my 6 week checkup one week from today. I have already started taking Aiden on walks, but once I get cleared from the Doc I will start jogging again, and then the weight loss push really starts! I'm going to use this blog to help keep me accountable, and to record my weight loss progress. 

So here goes, my stats as of today:

Pre-pregnancy weight: 133 lbs.
Final pregnancy weight: 171 lbs.
Total weight gain: 38 lbs.!!(ugh, scary...)
Current weight: 148 lbs.
Current weight lost: 23 lbs.
Goal weight: 125 lbs.
Weight left to lose: 23 lbs.

Well there it is folks...that's a lot of numbers, but the good news is I am halfway to my goal! Yes, I know that the first half is the easier half to lose, but I am not underestimating the power of breastfeeding, healthy eating, and exercise. Watch out beach, here I come! Well, maybe, if the oil doesn't get here first...


  1. Laura, I love that you are trying to soak up every precious minute of motherhood. You have learned a lot in a short month. You already know that being a mom is the best "job" in the world and these sweet days will pass so enjoy! I can't wait to meet him....Love you.

  2. Laura, Aiden is precious. I love the way you are trying to savor every minute - they do go by fast. Love you

  3. Thank you Ms Chris! I can't wait for you to meet him too-he is such a joy! Love you too!
