Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My First Mother's Day

I have always enjoyed Mother's Day holiday as a time to celebrate my mom, and to show her how special she is, and how much I appreciate all that she does for me. This year Mother's Day took on a whole new meaning, as my first time to experience this holiday as a mother myself. It was a great day, Aaron made me breakfast and had a beautiful bouquet of orchids for me, and then our little family packed it up and headed to Pensacola for the afternoon. We were able to see my grandparents, my mom and sister, Aunts Janet and Lisa, and cousins Rick and Daniel all in one visit! As you can imagine, Aiden got quite a bit of attention:
 We had a great time with the fam, my mom brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a very sweet card, but on our way home I realized that the only time I actually held my son all afternoon was to feed him and change a dirty diaper...oh the glamorous life of a mom...so we hauled ourselves out back and Aaron took a couple pictures of me holding Aiden. All in all a very nice first Mother's Day!
Oh, and my awesome Mother's Day gift from my hubbie:
Woo Hoo!!

1 comment:

  1. man! you are such a gorgeous mommy, laura! and aaron is such a phenomenal dad... he's doing such a good job!!! i love to watch you guys grow! if june 1 doesnt work.. then what else that week?
